We are committed to a safe and healthy environment!

    Upon entry, we will ask all students to use hand sanitizer. A Covid symptom checklist will be posted for review. Students may be asked to have their temperature taken as well. Masks are strongly advised but  required only if social distancing is not possible.

    Physical distancing will be in place as much as possible. All surface areas will be routinely disinfected between each student.

Students will each have a pencil, eraser and any other supplies they need that will be labeled and kept in a Ziploc bag. Supplies will be left here, in order to provide opportunities to disinfect everything.

    In order to protect everyone, if students exhibit Covid symptoms, they will not be able to attend their tutoring session or program on that day.

    We will continue to follow guidelines put out by Alberta Health Services.

Please Note: If the student is unable to attend their scheduled class due to COVID, they can still join online .

Studies are finally now indicating a significant degree of learning loss as a result of COVID school lockdowns:  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-learning-assessment-pandemic-gaps-1.6187293?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar